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A Token of Me To Your Success

I'm a H2i Partner, yes I am
I am a blogger, that's right
I'm a banker, am I? I swear, I dunno. I work inside bank sha but not a core banker.
Bros and sis, what do you do?

If you work in a bank, like myself, but you're not directly on the bank's payroll (outsourced staff), you're by some unpopular professional standards not a banker.
You wish you're
a REAL banker earning like the other core staff but that has not happened, maybe it will never happen, it's probably not for you. Yet you keep keeping at it and that's how we waste our God-given purpose on what's not our core business.
You want to be a banker and a successful one but you don't have power to make that happen, may be not in the near future but how about the successful Network Marketer, tailor, cosmetician, hairdresser, drycleaner, etc that you can be with minimal sweat.

In most cases, the reason we want to stay on this job and even be elevated is for the PAY. But banking is not the only thing that guarantees wealth. I'd rather be the CEO of than a bank's CEO (It won't make sense until you realise that has the capacity to be bigger than that's me sha. If going out every morning, your goal is to EARN a meaningful living then I swear, you can do that by many other means.
If you don't step out doing that small thing you can do well, life may never trust you with the big ones. Start doing those things you have control over, and the others will fall in lines.
I challenge you to step out, I dare you to do the impossible. Breakthrough lurks just outside your comfort zone, go grab it.
We will Succeed!

#iAmEyitayoQuote: It may never happen, until you make it happen. Live your dreams!

Good morning worthy readers.


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