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The Letter I Wrote to Mo'omi Last Mother's Day.

What can I say on A Mothering Sunday to all the mothers, past, present and future, thank you for bringing us to this wonderful world. For the fact that my Mother (we fondly call her Mo’omi), is the best the world can ever produce, I use her as a reference point to all the mothers in the world. So if you are a good, caring, loving, supportive, chiding, motivating mother, I celebrate you alongside Mo’omi.

The perfect time I have been waiting for may never come and I don’t see myself doing as I ought to in diction mastery so I felt there is no point waiting any further to tell you some sweet thing (not just to make you feel good though, they are my realest innermost feelings). I also have, from childhood wanted the world to know how blessed I am to be Divinely Gifted with the Best Mother in the world.  Thank God it’s mothering Sunday...

Out of that weakening condition you conceived, gestated and bore me. People around must be asking nasty questions as to why you wanted another child, you probably didn’t have a reasonable answer after three girls and two boys. I can imagine you always told them God knows why. They felt you can’t even make it through the gestation but here you are almost thirty years after, still playing your Active Motherly Roles in my life, especially on the prayer alter. Mo’omi, you are the toughest.

Sure, I can’t forget in my lifetime how you used to shape my personality in those formative years, sometimes with canes that I wondered why you hated me so much, oh how wrong I was. Other times you also used mere words, (I mean soft words) to correct the most severe misdeeds. You are no least McGregor’s Theory X and Y apologist though standard seven was the farthest you went. You always have the carrot and the cane, knowing the right time for either.

You are most supportive when Dad’s (May His Soul RIP) finances dwindled, putting food on our table, clothing us, and ensuring we are not sent out of school for non-payment of fees. You were there all through the downs, when other Mothers would have long gone. You knew better than anyone else that if you don’t give up on us, we will one day make you laugh at last. Yes, I can see the difference though we are not laughing yet, there’s smile on our faces.

Yes, I have not bought you that car and duplex I promised when I was a child; I haven’t gotten a woman you can call your daughter-in-law or a child you can call Grand. Keep the faith as you always have, the time to Laugh Out Loud in almost here so for Today Mum, I just want to, on behalf of myself and my siblings, thank you for everything and I wish you see many more Mothers Days in Sound Health and Great Wealth. I celebrate you Mo’omi today and always, eshee mo’omi.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

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