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H2i Testimony: From Lindelwa Mbulawa From South Africa

Hello readers,

In this post I want to share the Verbatim Testimony of a H2i Partner in South Africa who Turned a Minister (Stage 4 of the H2i Network Matrix).
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Lindelwa, the First H2i Minister in South Africa...

Hi my name is Lindelwa Mbulawa AKA Dollaqueen
SA first  minister

This is my short story about the journey I started H2i. October 2016 I was presented this wonderful opportunity at that time I didn't pay attention all I could see was pictures of cars laptop all over Facebook and said u know what the is no such thing I didn't pay attention to it. I kept on seeing it on Facebook but still was not interested.  Up until 06 January 2017 lady by the name naledi approached me at first I wanted to ignore again and I said what is it with this h2i let me read. I visited the website I took sometime to read about the founder I got very much interested . On the 7 January I contacted Naledi for registration to my surprise she was not yet registered and I said I'll wait for her.

Got excited as I started to understand the business. I started sharing bare in mind  am not yet registered my first ppl to approach about 8 all their response they said Am in I was shocked by the positive response. I had to put pressure to Naledi as I was feeling it as Well. On the 8 January 2017 I then finally got registered immediately I registered my 1st account  and registered 6 more accounts which are also mine instantly I moved to stage 2 with earnings of $58 then I started adding people who were ready to join.

On the third day after joining as I was already in stage 2. I earned $100 stage 2 level 2.
On the 26 January I completed my stage2 meaning I moved to stage 3 which is  a super master. In short I completed stage 2 in less than a month; it's doable.
Currently I am a 9 times super master  meaning I Have earned $1000 x 9 and received 9 laptop

13 May 2017 we  hosted first South African  laptop awards in Durban  of over 50 ppl got their laptops. As it is, I have lost count of people who have qualified for laptops; remember when you qualify for a laptops it means you earned $1000. Next awards are loading...

Right now I am the first SA minister I have earned $3000 and qualified for my Brand New Hyundai Creta SUV which am only waiting for it to be awarded to me.

The right time to join H2i is now!

Now looking at the above short story and thinking back last year when the opportunity was introduced to me, if I had grabbed it I would be far by now I will not lie I regret that I didn't join early however the right time to do something is between yesterday and tomorrow which is NOW .

In Helping Hand International, you don't beg; you share the opportunity.

H2i needs someone who understand that Rome was not built in one day.
H2i needs team work and support toward each other.
Laziness doesn't work in H2i

The opportunity is presented to you the ball in in your hand now.
My focus now is running faster and build  a team as I have opened doors of ministers room for SA let's work hard and soon we will be having a convoy of those Hyundai Creta. 

To my team keep  up the good work am where I am today all because of you that is why I will not stop working up until everyone wins.
I will not stop working up until everyone in SA knows about this wonderful opportunity. 

H2i is for everyone let's spread the word.

************* The End*************

#iAmEyitayoQuotes: When you hear others making it, it means you too can make it if only you will follow their steps. There's nothing wrong with Quickie Wealth as long as it's amassed legitimately. #SuccessLovesSpeed

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