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How To Join Helping Hands International (H2i)

In this post, you will learn how to become a H2i Partner and enjoy all the benefits of its Partnership but before then i want to tell you something vital. When thinking of going into any business venture of whatsoever venture at all,, it is important you study the venture as deeply as possible, you don't want to learn about something strange when you're  a halfway into the venture. As such I will encourage you to read as much as you can about H2i and ask as many questions s as possible, i am  I always available whenever you need me; my WhatsApp number is at the end of virtually all the posts on this blog so feel free to contact me. Please read and understand what we stand for as an organization, what your benefits are and what are expected of YOU to do in other to get the benefits.
If YOU don't know this yet, kindly visit our website and carefully study it. It is worth the time and stress after all, you're putting your hard earned money into this. Do your study, once again feel free to ask me all your questions.
Once YOU are armed with full knowledge of the opportunity, its now time to join. YOU need to make a donation through me (as your referrer or upline) to the tune of either:

1. $40( N6,600 Nigeria only) for just one account.
2. $120( N19,800 Nigeria only) for opening three accounts
3. $280 (N46,200 Nigeria only ) for seven accounts.
4. $600 (N99,000 Nigeria only) for fifteen accounts, etc

This donation also stand as your membership  fee. Its is a one-time payment for life. If you are interested in making serious money in H2i, I don't expect YOU to start with anything less than $120 or ( N19,800 for those in Nigeria only.)
For those Living in Countries other than Nigeria, we can always work out modalities of sending your sign up fee. Some use Western Union, Moneygram, bitcoin, some other cryptocurrencies, etc. This is because you can only sign up through an existing, for now that's how Helping Hands International is structured.

I know the next question in your heart is:


Good question! You see, in Helping Hands Int'l,  our means of payment is called ewallet or emoney attached to every member's online account, Not CASH. It is an electronics currency only available to members.
As a new prospect, you don't have this yet. For this reason you have to pay to someone who has it to pay on your behalf from his or her Ewallet account to get you registered.
YOU CAN Only find E-wallet and buy from only registered and active members of Helping hands international. Most often, the best person to buy from and Pay for your donation in other to get registered is your sponsor (referrer or upline, meaning the person introducing you to the business-like that's me in this case). I am already a success story in Helping Hands International and am very  interested in duplicating my kind of success in YOU. So fear not! 
Hence, to get registered, you have to pay to your sponsor (me) for the e-wallet, I am going to donate to helping hands on your behalf. Its after YOU have been registered that YOU CAN now have your own e-wallet account. So for now, you are paying to your sponsor's (me) bank account in cash for the equivalent amount of ewallet or emoney am going to spend from my ewallet vault in getting YOU registered as your sponsor.  
The same way YOU paid to my account when signing up,  so also will your prospects in the near future pay into your account for same reason, though Helping Hands Intertidal is working on improving the means of payment.

Once, YOU have made your payment,  kindly send your payment details to your sponsor (me) privately. Also send  the following personal details to me as well so I can complete your account registration as soon as YOUR payment is confirmed. YOU CAN view the online form  to complete on your behalf here:

Here are the Information I need to get YOU registered.
6. State
8. Preferred Username
9. Password
10. Transaction  Password

Note: once this details are received, your account will be created and the details will immediately be forwarded YOUR email address( your username and password with which you will login to your account).

Now that YOU KNOW, smile to the bank and Pay your N6,600, or N19,800, 46200 or N99,000 for that is the best way to Go...

For more details, call/Whatsapp +2348061637966

#ProudH2iPartner #H2iPaysMe

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