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Are You Really Earning from This H2i?

People often ask me this question:

"Are you really earning from this your H2i Network?"

LOL! So this looks like an extra-curricular activity?
My answer are in these...

How You Now Earn a Quarter of your 2014 salary

If you live and work in Nigeria as a salary earner before Buhari became the President and your salary has not tripled, then your salary has invariably reduced by about 75%. Wait now...

If before 2015 you were earning N39,500 when $1 was N165 that means you're earning $300.
If in 2017 you're still earning N39,500 when $1 has risen to about N395 then you earn just $100 per month.

You Need Residual Income

I shared this on-the-spot post with my colleagues in an office WhatsApp group. I am not sure of the depth of impact it has had on any one of my colleagues in that group but I just feel sharing it here wont hurt. Enjoy:

Of a truth,
How much is legitimately left for you to spend out of your May 2017 Salary? Remember yesterday was the overrated 19th.

Christmas: Our Reconciliatory Access to God

As a little kid in the early 90s, ember months come with this euphoric aura that make me and other kids like myself impatient. I just want the day to come. The same rice, stew, fanta and chicken taste different on Christmas days, every common thing suddenly becomes unusually unique. I won’t forget how much I looked forward to wearing those new clothes, shoes, and sometimes accompanying cap. 

Dad goes further to repaint the house, change the wall portraits to something like Virgin Mary carrying Jesus in her arms with Joseph standing by looking at the baby Jesus with enthusiasm. A Christmas tree when affordable, some Santa Claus' toys.

We also have

Things that can Ruin Your Relationship

http://bayotee.comThere are dos and don'ts in a relationship. If you are finding the latter list of conventions more common in your behavior, then you are most likely to meet a dead-end with your happily-ever-after dream soon.

Don't ruin your perfectly fine relationship with these repugnant ways.


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