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As the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination commences the sale of forms for the 2018/2019 admissions, it is important for the applicants to know what subject combination they need for their dream course of study. This is the reason why this post is put together to advise the applicants in Sciences.

All candidates seeking for admission into tertiary institutions through JAMB should take note that English Language is compulsory for all and is already an automatic part of the subject combinations.
Here is the full list of subjects combination to assist Science Students in making apt choices in the forthcoming 2018 UTME.

Trump's "Shithole" Comment on Immigrants

What President Trump said about Immigrants got me off my personal blogging track this week I've never done a posts on politics just the way it has sparked outrage from UN, AU, etc. I'd rather focus on motivating my readers the little way I can, tell stories, give digital investment advice. Let me quickly state that all the fuss about that is still nothing more than an allegation that but considering his precedence, you can't swear that he didn't say that though there has been denial from the Capitol Hill but not personally from Trump.


Do Not Acquire Assets!

I've heard many highly respected teachers, mentors, speakers, etc. encourage their clients/audiences to amass as many assets as possible. I have been a subscriber to that notion for a long time but the more I try, the more I fail and so increases my frustration.

My frustration did not lead me to backing out but created in me a seemingly insatiable hunger for knowledge for what more needs to be done to guarantee my dream financial lifestyle. I launched on a journey to further discovery, it is a fruitful one.

Waiting for a Sign? Here is it...

I've seen and heard many people wanting to embark on a project, start a relationship, write a book, setup a blog, start a business, take up volunteering jobs, etc but it never goes beyond the wanting stage. When I say this, I'm not in anyway exempted; I have, in the past, also battle with taking action too. I have over-processed many many great ideas till it evaporates or become obsolete. You're not alone.

Winners' Chapel Prophetic Focus for November 2017

As our tradition is in Living Faith Church Worldwide (aka Winners' Chapel), every month, a Prophetic Focus is released which serves as guide in Prayers, Messages, and other services. November 2017 is not an exception. The Prophetic Focus for November 2017 has been released through the President, Bishop David Oyedepo in a Memo sent to all Mission Stations which partly reads:


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