I've heard many highly respected teachers, mentors, speakers, etc. encourage their clients/audiences to amass as many assets as possible. I have been a subscriber to that notion for a long time but the more I try, the more I fail and so increases my frustration.
My frustration did not lead me to backing out but created in me a seemingly insatiable hunger for knowledge for what more needs to be done to guarantee my dream financial lifestyle. I launched on a journey to further discovery, it is a fruitful one.
Before I tell you what I discovered in my search for better answer to my financial freedom questions, let me make it clear that acquiring assets is good but I'm only saying there's something I've found which is, in my most sincere opinion and with all sense of sincerity, better than that which many people run after. Also before I address my personal discovery, let me also mention that what I've discovered is the major reason why many acquire assets that never yield benefit
This is it...
Until you become an asset yourself, whatever material thing you acquire in the name of asset, thinking it'll yield benefit will in the long run either become a liability or, at best, useless and worse more, of no economic value. What am I saying? Develop yourself into an asset first and every other thing fill follow.
How can?
1. Read Books. It's the cheapest and fastest way of passing phases of life that took others years, or even lifetime to pass. Read to become an authority in your chosen endeavor. Good enough, if you are reading this post, you have access to the internet and that means you have access to the best of resources online to amass knowledge
2. Attend Seminars/Symposia/Lectures. If you really mean to become an asset to yourself, it is important you attend gatherings where your passion is discussed. It is usually cheap and a couple are free.
3. Network. it is a popular saying that "your network is your networth" and it can't be truer than it sounds. Find people with like passion as yourself and establish relationship with them. remember, Iron sharpens iron.
4. Subscribe to Mentorship/Role Modelling. Many people have journeyed on the terrain that you are aspiring to. It is wisdom to get people ahead of you to impart on you, what they have learnt on that path. Consciously and carefully select those whose footstep you want to follow.
When you become an asset yourself, you can then start working on acquiring physical assets. that's the only way to guarantee that they will be of benefits to you.
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#iAmEyitayo, #iMotivate